Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 weeks to go

I only have a few days off until we leave on our "trek" and still have so much to do. The trip is 80% planned out--we already have tickets to 5 games, reservations at hotels for 8 different nights, plus plans for 2 nights at friends' houses and 3 nights at the lake house, but that leaves 5 nights yet to map out. And a few days. The biggest effort is getting the house ready to leave. We have 4 cats, including a frail 17 year old one, who need constant attention. Plus fish, a bird and a turtle. Our son is staying home to manage the house, but he has no idea what he is getting into! Plus my 40 tomato plants that are starting to show fruit, as is the fig tree. Plus our rental unit is vacant and needs some monitoring. It will take detailed instruction lists, and I've yet to begin on those. Any suggestions? Thank goodness for text messaging......