Sunday, July 1, 2012

Names of Physicans

Please provide the names and practice of the physicians you said are leaving the practice of medicine due to ‘Obamacare’ as you stated recently.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mya with spooky Halloween eyes.jpg

Mark's cat at Halloween, looking the part!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

100 miles to go and now, the rain

We're now on the final road, US 27, and less than 100 miles to go. This is just the second rain we've driven through in 18 days, the other being Sunday in Indianapolis. Most of the Midwest and South has been inundated all month-- we've just been lucky to miss the storms. Even here, the fields (peanut?)Are basically under water. Maybe it's a good thing--all that fresh water flowing down the Appalachicola and Mississippi Rivers to push back the millions of gallons of oil and toxics in the Gulf. Maybe.
Even though we'll be home in about 90 minutes, I still have dozens of pictures to post. And some great tales to tell.
We have to clean up our rental as one tenant moves out today and another in Thurs--plus I'm back to work Thursday as well, so it may take a few days to get it all on line. But what fun we've had for 18 days, 3700 miles, 12 states, and many hours with good friends we have not seen in far too long.
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Rounding third

We're rounding third and heading for home, with Cincy Reds now leading Philly 4-0. Night weather once again awesome, ballpark beautiful, locally crafted beer very tasty. The guy next to us just caught a ball--it's his birthday so that is cool. Anyway, we got behind on our chronicles--days off the Internet grid--but we're heading for home tomorrow. 660 miles to go!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wolf River Wisconsin

Picture from last post--couldn't send pic and post
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2000 miles and counting

We've not quite reached the northern most apogee of our trek, but hit 2000 miles today. We just had lunch on the Wolf River, north of OshKosh. Minor storm last night, but today is sunny, breezy, 80 degrees---could not ask for better! I'm looking for the wildlife refuge where our St. Marks' whooping cranes go in the summer. If you've never seen them, go to to be amazed. We did see a large flock of pelicans, which seemed weird, this far inland. Better than being oiled in the Gulf........
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Milwaukee Brewers

It looks like our losing home streak is coming to an end as the Brewers are about to beat the Twins in another interleague game. Lots of Twin fans here too. Severe weather may have held off. Florida State was not as fortunate as they lost badly today at CWS. 1 and 2 and barbeque. We say.
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